• Paper Towns is the newest John Green adaptation to hit the big screen. It is definitely a hybrid film, constructed of many different genres: romance, comedy, mystery and adventure. There's something here for everyone. If you're looking for a fun but meaningful road trip movie, this is it. The film follows the book closely, with a few amends and changes, but nothing too drastic that really affects the overall story. Cara Delevigne successfully sheds her model image as Margo Roth Spiegelman, in a surprisingly impressive performance. Even with her limited time on screen, she showcases Margo's fearlessness, intelligence and rebelliousness, capturing the character completely. Nat Wolff gives a raw, funny and honest performance as Quentin Jacobsen, along with friends Ben, Radar, Lacey and Angela, all played by a talented supporting cast. Despite some typical high school clichés (prom, house parties - where are the parents?!), Paper Towns is fresh, witty, fun and lovable, all at the same time.

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    Coming of age films are not new to the cinematic landscape, but Hollywood manages to propagate a new batch for each generation. Every once and a while, one stands out from the rest. From Rebel Without a Cause to Say Anything to Breakfast Club, this genre has provided positive memories and the lines that resonate throughout our younger years. Paper Towns and author John Green have struck this cord and provide a voice for this generation. The high school journey of Quentin (Nat Wolff) and his mysterious neighbour Margo (Cara Delevingne) is an adaptation of the Green novel. Quentin and Margo are friends throughout their childhood but have grown apart over the years. Then on a fateful night during their last year of high school, Margo asks Quentin for his help on a mission of revenge against friends who have done her wrong. 

    Download Paper Towns Movie The midnight escapade becomes a life-changing event for Quentin and he begins to pine after Margo again, then she mysteriously disappears. Family and friends want to know where she went and the mystery deepens as Quentin finds clues about her whereabouts that Margo left behind. He recruits his band of friends to take the road trip of a life time to find this teenage runaway. Throughout the life-transitory road trip, Quentin finds out more about himself, his relationships with his friends and what to do with his misplaced love of the mysterious Margo. It may seem unrealistic to think that teens could speak at the depth that they do in Paper Towns, but the characters make these lines plausible and accessible.There is a maturity with a twist of hormonal angst that gives this story the necessary edge it needs. Also, the conclusion adds the unique twist that provides a surprising satisfaction to the adventure.


    Throughout the opening moments of Paper Towns it feels like it was going down the  predictable coming of age narrative. Boy meets girl, girl lives across the street, girl lives an adventurous life and boy pines after her from a distance. Quickly, director Jake Schreier (Robot and Frank) pulls the story out of the hormonal malaise and into the kaleidoscope of different expectations. His lead characters provide an unexpected depth. Nat Wolff and Cara Delevingne were perfectly cast in this teen mystery. Wolff proves to have a John Cusack (Say Anything) quality that makes him appealing as the average boy that proves cool in the end, while Delevingne provides enough smouldering excitement to make her worth this young man's pursuit. They are surrounded by a wonderful cast of characters that compliment the comedic dialogue and the contemplative moments of the script. This is where the film differentiates itself within this genre. Even within the stereotypical trappings of the party scene, suggested teen sex and proverbial geek trio, the writing lifts the story line out of the post-pubescent mire. It may seem unrealistic to think that teens could speak at the depth that they do in Paper Towns, but the characters make these lines plausible and accessible. 

    Watch Paper Towns Online In the realm of teen dramas, Paper Towns does provide a new perspective on a generation, but if there are any difficulties with the film it was in the lack of parental involvement. In the typical American high-school scenarios, the lack of representation by the parents in the film does leave a hole in the narrative. The only people who seem to speak into the lives of these kids are other kids. This might be an insight on the lives of families today or a warning signal for parents to get more involved in the lives of their children. Regardless of the message that is trying to convey, the lack of any adult wisdom does leave a void in this engaging script. Paper Towns is an entertaining film that provides an opportunity for parental dialogue with their teens on many of the transitional issues of their lives.


    The direction and acting do an extremely good job tackling otherwise worn out material. Cara Delevigne's transition to the big screen is off to a lovely start with a joyful performance as Margo, absolutely nailing her seductive role of the mysterious girl hopelessly lost in a mission to find herself. In this mission she involves Quentin, played by Nat Wolff who delivers a subtle and very pleasant performance. It's lovely to see him maturing as a performer, comparing his dramatic scenes to 'stuck in love,' he's really stepped up his game. His performance grounds the film, a kid like anyone else who never seems to be playing a character; he's finishing school, learning about love and discovering adventure. Its the classic 18 year old experience. 

    What impressed me about this movie, was that a lot of the film's motivations rely on the chemistry developed in a 15 minute sequence between Cara and Nat. Yet within this sequence alone, you get it. You buy that this kid is in love with her, you understand why he needs to find her and your rooting for him the whole way. More so then that, (I wont spoil the ending) it allows the conclusion of their relationship to end on a bittersweet, tender and poetic note. More complex then one would assume throughout the mission to find Margo. (Have YOU ever fell in love with the idea of someone?)

    Whilst the film did have its fair share of clichés, they were outweighed by genuinely touching moments. From drunkedly singing the Pokemon theme song, sharing a dance with the city lights as an audience and to questioning what someone should value and hope to achieve in their adolescent years. What the film actually intended to be its message is really up to the viewer in my opinion, but there is a message here. However subtle, and other times unsubtle they portray it, look for your own interpretation. 

    The cinematography and colour pallet is reminiscent of the stylish digital success, 'The Social Network,' its a great looking film. As for the soundtrack, it avoids the top 10 chart (thank god) and lets the acting speak for itself - refusing to wring tears from your face like a tea towel. Its an excellent compilation that suits the films mood and does subtle work to enhance, not overpower, climactic scenes. 

    We all know that one person. That person who an ordinary life was just never going to be enough for. They're often fascinating people to talk to and I've often wondered whether I'd like to be one of those people (or even just join them on their journey through life), because their life seems like it's going to be a hell of a ride. 'Paper Towns' is about one of those people and how they can affect the lives of us "normies", for lack of a better word. Much like John Green's first film adaption 'The Fault in Our Stars' the characters are an absolute delight. They're charming, interesting, funny and most of all thought-provoking. The story in 'Paper Towns' is undoubtedly weaker than 'The Fault in out Stars', but this almost manages to go unnoticed as we are treated to these wonderful characters and are also left wondering how things will end up for them. 

    Download Movies Online Nat Wolff and Cara Delevingne in the leads were well cast. Wolff lacked some charm in the odd scene here and there but overall was good. Delevingne was the stand out for me. She had less screen time than perhaps anticipated but the scenes she did have she stole the show in. She was believable in her role and that could have been a tricky thing to achieve for some actresses in a role like this. Overall it's a good watch. If people compare it to 'The Fault in Our Stars' too much they might come away disappointed. But if you treat it as its own film (as you should) then you'll realise the quality is very good. The film will appeal to all ages and will do something a lot of films struggle to achieve - make the audience come away thinking. Any film that achieves that is a film worth watching in my opinion.

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